Travel part 2 (or Shelby Finally Figures it Out)

Originally posted to Ask The Fire, 11 March 2018

Okay, okay. So I'm finally here. I really don't feel like writing today, so hopefully this will be a short-ish post.

Frankfurt (apparently I consistently said “Frankfort” in the last post, which I'll go back to fix... later) was a good time. I got to have a shower and I had a decent premade lunch, sitting on a bench and reading a book. Which I finished soon after. That was a problem.

So around 10 PM I caught the flight to Johannesburg and got shuffled around in seats a bit–wound up sitting interior instead of aisle like I should have been, but it was alright. I slept most of the time and arrived in J-burg on a lovely morning. Had a nice lunch at Lucky Bread (smoked trout bagel, some coffee and a pot of Five Roses tea), read a new book from the airport shop and then hopped on the only on-time flight to Port Elizabeth.

I wish I had taken a photo, but we swung out over the ocean to land in town. It was gorgeous, with a late-afternoon low sun, waves breaking on the rocks and grassland around the runway. Katrina and Neil picked me up and all I wanted out of my evening was a shower and a nap.

In the morning I got up, called my worried father (sorry, dad) and got acclimated. The Storm house is really nice--doors open all the time and a lot of wide-open rooms, light colors and big windows. They have a very sweet dog, Ben, a swimming pool and a well-stocked kitchen. All day Saturday I read with the kids and wandered around the backyard, admiring the desert roses and the trees.

Evening we went to Pearsonality at the high school, which was their talent show. It was so over-the-top compared to what I'm used to in the states! Very impressive, and the kids seem intelligent, driven and energetic, so I'm excited to work with them soon.

And today I moved over to Maria's place! It's bigger, with a bunch of guest rooms and a big, open kitchen and living room. It's very pretty.

Tomorrow it's school in the morning, but tonight I'm just reading, settling in and chatting with Maria. It's nice to have the windows open this time of year.

My room in Maria's house.

Outside, and the view through the front gate!


Charlie N, posted 11 March 2018, 7:39 PM

As "the dad" the whole not knowing where my daughter was for almost two days was a bit rough. My apologies for waking Maria up at 2am local time to fond the whereabouts of my daughter. I know Salem knew she was OK but we had no idea. So kids, if you ever go on a transatlantic trip call your parents as often as you can, especially if you get to your destination and have a couple of hours before you go to sleep. (Accusing hint for my daughter). We love you Salem and hope this is a great experience.

Charlie N, posted 11 March 2018, 7:49 PM

BTW -- since I am a geek the trip was ten thousand miles. With Google Earth I estimate it was 10,450 miles.

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