The First Part Second

Originally posted to Ask The Fire, 19 Oct. 2017

So now that I've got my cryptic first post out of the way:

I'm Salem. I'm a student at Eastern Illinois University, majoring in English and English language arts. They're two different programs, somehow, and I'm technically in both. It's an adventure.

In my regular English degree I take focus classes in professional writing, and this semester I'm finishing off my last few PW classes. One of my "classes" is actually an internship at a local library, where I'm playing dressup as an archivist for a few hours a day. Right now I'm deacidifying and pressing old newspaper articles as well as trying to date and identify photographs.

But that's not what this blog's about, really. I'm an education student who's student teaching next semester, and that's what we're here for, because part of my student teaching experience will be in South Africa.

So I was told to make a blog about it! And a blog I made.

A lot of other overseas student teachers only blogged about their trips, which is perfectly acceptable, but I wanted to blog beforehand if only for my own growth. There's a lot of reading and learning I want to do before I go abroad (especially since my students are non-American, instead of American students living in another country). Blogging, I thought, would be a good way to keep myself accountable for the self-assigned reading.

Periodically I'll drop new things I learn in here. Some literature, some vocab, some tidbits and analyses. There will also, of course, be questions. They may or may not get answered at some point in time. Maybe they don't have to be answered before I leave. Maybe they don't have answers. But the asking helps.

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